Very quick entry before sleep.
It's finals week at WKU. And, I'm finished Thursday. But, I gotta get started, dang it! But I'm too pumped about the break, about PASSION 2011 in Atlanta GA, and about a local Battle of the Bands I help my bros with.
But what I'm MOST excited about is the planned equipment I plan to buy... er, rather the madre will purchase for me for Christmas. If all goes according to plan... my recordings will be 50x better. Here's the priorities...
This new mixer and mic that'll let me EQ better...
A new guitar amp
ATA Flightcase for said amp (they're expensive dude!)
Pedals of my choosing
EIther new guitar or new pickups for my current axe
most likely a new computer, and with that... pro recording software.
Drum machine for more realistic drums
And after that...
I guess after that some actual pro studio monitors.
That's my shopping list. I hope that this break will be full of music... but I have a TOOOON of stuff I want to do. So, we'll see. I can promise at least one song, if not, TONS of experimentation.
Merry Christmas!
Since this is nearly a month late... I hope you had a Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year!